This month began with all eyes on Glasgow, as delegates from nearly 200 countries assembled in the city for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). The international summit included discussions of the coal phase-out, the mobility transition, and climate-resilient investment – issues that have been central to IKEM’s research for over a decade. Eight IKEMers were on the ground in Glasgow to host official side events, discuss the institute’s latest findings on sustainable cities, and participate in panel discussions. They even collaborated with project partners and schoolchildren to plant an urban forest! The past month also saw new developments closer to home. Last week, IKEM, Therme Group, and the University of Greifswald were pleased to announce the creation of the One Health Research Centre (OHRC), an institute for interdisciplinary research on a range of environmental issues. IKEM’s research at OHRC will focus on the design of inclusive, climate-resilient cities that support sustainable development goals. We’re looking forward to this exciting new opportunity. Read on for more details on the events of this past month. And, as always, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates on our work to fight climate change. We hope you enjoy this November edition! The IKEM Communications Team |